University to Workplace Transition (UWT)

Graduates Say

What is the UWT?

Focussed sessions
Supports students by providing 2 UWT mentoring sessions in the last month of the degree/PHD and up to 5 UWT sessions between university ending and employment beginning
Provides a space to talk through thoughts surrounding the future, uncertainty and worry, ending university, reflection and moving forward
The specialist mentor supports the student with confidence and encourages the student to apply for roles where they will thrive
The specialist mentor and student will complete, implement and review the Mental Health, Neurodiversity, Disability and Wellbeing Passport
How does the UWT help Graduates?

How does the UWT help Universities?

How does the UWT help Employers?
The UWT supports the smooth transition from higher education and into the workforce, creating more engaged workers, with greater confidence and faster skill development. Improving staff retention and loyalty for a happier and more productive team.
The UWT helps build a stronger workforce.

What is the OneSpace Passport?
Powered by AI, the OneSpace passport give students ownership of their own support strategies, improves safeguarding and provides a central location to store crucial documents.

Who Backs the UWT?
Supported by specialist higher education and workplace organisations:
How can your Institution get involved?
The UWT sessions bridge the gap between university ending and the workplace beginning, to continue with the foundation of support built during university mentoring.
Transition mentoring aims to help the student with containment and processing of emotions during the time of uncertainty, to support with confidence and provide encouragement, to be a trusting and reliable support for the student during the time of transition, and to implement the Mental Health and Wellbeing Passport (MHWP).
If your company or institution wants to be part of the UWT, click below to enquire.